Website Update


Lead UX/UI Designer



Optimize the purchasing experience by implementing e-commerce best practices, incl. wholesale, to allow for maximum conversion rates.


Pathways to Education is a non-profit organization that provides youth from low-income communities with the resources they need to graduate from high school and break the cycle of poverty.

Only a very small percentage of people are aware of this organization, their biggest barrier to increasing its donor base is lack of awareness.

The previous website didn’t help in this matter either as it was optimized primarily for presenting organizational information to a general audience, while capturing/converting leads and donations being lesser priorities.


Pathways to Education is a non-profit organization that provides youth from low-income communities with the resources they need to graduate from high school and break the cycle of poverty.

Only a very small percentage of people are aware of this organization, their biggest barrier to increasing its donor base is lack of awareness.

The previous website didn’t help in this matter either as it was optimized primarily for presenting organizational information to a general audience, while capturing/converting leads and donations being lesser priorities.


Create a meaningful brand story while creating an intuitive, easy to shop experience that is easily accessible regardless of device.


Typically I'd follow the traditional route of user flows, followed by some hi fidelity wires, however due to some restrictions I dove straight into creating a mixture of user flows and lo-fi wires to inform a user's journey. From this artifact there was a rapid fire discussion to address any blocks, concerns or items that were best left for a later build.

Designers were able to quickly get to work, and it also allowed the dev team to begin working on the newly added functionality. 

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